American Policy Ventures

Investing in projects that build a stronger future

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Our Thesis

We aim to de-risk the work of cross-partisan policymaking and collaboration for our nation’s leaders — enabling them to reduce polarization, get things done, and address the critical issues of our time.

American Policy Ventures (APV) is a hub for innovative projects that help policymakers tackle the challenges of the future. To that end, we work closely with a cross-partisan network of subject matter experts, philanthropists, and other leaders. We leverage our infrastructure, resources, and relationships to invest in promising ideas and research, support existing organizations, and incubate new projects where we see an unmet need — all with the goal of making it easier for policymakers to be effective at solving critical policy problems.

Select Projects

Flagship Project

A new initiative dedicated to enabling greater cross-partisan collaboration. More to be announced in the months ahead.

More to come soon.

Other Projects

Bringing together policymakers around critical and timely policy issues
American Policy Ventures is building a number of projects dedicated to convening and supporting policymakers around specific issue topics — including American competitiveness, economic opportunity, and more.

Care Lab

Bringing together Senate Chiefs of Staff across party lines. 
American Policy Ventures has partnered with Care Lab to support the bringing together of Senate Chiefs of Staff from both parties — to build lasting relationships and shared understanding that can improve the functioning of Congress.

Georgetown Battleground Civility Poll

Exploring the causes of division in America and strategies to bridge the divide.

American Policy Ventures is sponsoring the Battleground Civility Poll at Georgetown University’s McCourt School. The Poll is a collaboration between Republican pollster Ed Goeas of the Tarrance Group, and Democratic pollster Celinda Lake of Lake Research Partners. It dives deep into the driving causes of polarization, opportunities for productive collaboration, and insights on what the American people want to see from their elected leaders. Two national surveys have already been published, with the next survey on the way later this year. To see the full data from the first two surveys, click below.


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Leadership & Advisors

Liam deClive-Lowe
Liam deClive-Lowe
Paolo Mastrangelo
Paolo Mastrangelo
Adrienne Schweer
Adrienne Schweer
Former Chief of Protocol to Secretaries of Defense
Daniel Stid
Daniel Stid
Executive Director at Lyceum Labs
Ed Goeas
Ed Goeas
Founder & CEO of Tarrance Group
Ja’Ron Smith
Ja’Ron Smith
Former Deputy Assistant to President Trump
John Bailey
John Bailey
Strategic Advisor & Former Bush White House Official
Matt Bennett
Matt Bennett
Co-Founder & Executive Vice President at Third Way
Maya MacGuineas
Maya MacGuineas
President of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
Ted Lehman
Ted Lehman
Former Chief of Staff to Senator Thom Tillis
Divyansh Kaushik
Divyansh Kaushik
Non-resident Senior Fellow

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The White House
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